From an interview with Cardinal Leo Scheffczye on liturgical abuses in the Diocese of Linz:
KATH.NET: What do you say to the fact that there is a “Liturgical Marketplace” with model “Women’s Sermons” on an official website of the Diocese of Linz?
Cardinal Leo Scheffczyk: The expression “Liturgical Marketplace” foreshadows already to some extent the self-secularisation of Christian reflection and talk about the Holy. The liturgy, as well as endeavours in the forefront of it, do not deserve to be compared with a marketing event, which is concerned with making business, exchanging material goods and with speculations on prices. Concerning the central issue, it has to be stated that the invitation for women to give homilies during Holy Mass, which is implied by such documents, violates the law and the discipline of the church. As regards the contents: If the content of the service of the word and of the proclamation of the Gospel are aimed exclusively at women, this contradicts the instruction of Christ who wants that through him “all might believe” (Jn 1,7).
KATH.NET: What do you say to the fact that in 20 parishes of the Diocese of Linz the official church readings are not used any longer, because they have been replaced by “Women’s Pericopes”?
Cardinal Leo Scheffczyk: The replacement of official church readings or the introduction of “alternatives” by “Women’s Pericopes” is a selection of the Gospel, an arbitrary human reduction of the word of God. If even certain texts and writings are screened and deemed to be unsuitable, then we are in danger of reducing the Gospel to certain “suitable” texts. As a matter of fact, this is the rejection of the authority of the canon of the Holy Scriptures. By this we see the revolutionary potential that is intrinsic in such individualisms. Furthermore such regulations are strictly reserved to the Holy See and within the scope of the law to the diocesan bishop.
KATH.NET: One of the “Women’s Sermons” contains the following text: “We begin this service. In the name of the divine strength that has created all the beauty of our world. In the name of Jesus Christ, who has opened our eyes for the love in ourselves and around us. In the name of the Holy Ghost, the divine ruach. She is joining us and keeping us together.” What is your reaction?
Cardinal Leo Scheffczyk: The aforementioned formula for the opening of the service is the product of an extreme feminism and is watering down the Christian faith in a triune God to a surrogate of feminine vital forces. Furthermore the faith in Jesus Christ the Saviour is changed beyond recognition. This formula can be read as the commitment to an immanentistic post-Christian faith.
So why is the ordinary letting it happen?
It isn’t his diocese.
The godless(ess)movement is alive and well not only in the Catholic but also the Protestant Church as well. 2Thess: Now we request you, brethren, with regard to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ…Let no one deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostacy come first.