With the commercial success of Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ”, Hollywood is looking closely and there are now some new projects based on biblical themes. Here is a list of some previous films never released and some possible new screenplays.
Bruce WIllis’ Die Hard and Resurrect
Peter Jackson’s Return of the King: The Second Coming
Quentin Tarantino’s Kill Able
Sylvester Stalone’s Rambo IV: The Canaanites
Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Conan the Samaritan
Mario Puzos’ The God, The Father
Pixar’s FInding Nebakanezer
Steven Spielbergs’ Menorah Report: The legend of the Maccabees
William Powell – My Man-God Free
Paul Newman’s Cool Hand Gospel of Luke
Robert Di Niro’s Chariot Driver
Spike Jonze’s Being John, Apostle
Francis Coppola’s Apocalypse Later
Orson Well’s Citizen Cain and Able
The Day the Earth Stood Still: Joshua’s Battle
Whale Rider 2: Jonah
And even Apple computers is getting into the mix with the release of the new iMaccabees, which is guaranteed to work off battery power for twelve days..
These are great!
How about “The Melchizidekian Candidate”? (I admit it. I’m obsessed with this movie.)
Christopher Guest’s “Waiting for Holofernes”
“All About Eve” (too obvious?)
“Harry Potter and the Holy of Holies” (the dumbed-down version of “Gnaeus Pompey and the Holy of Holies”)
“Pharoah! The Musical”; The bittersweet story of the ten plagues, told from the ruler of Egypt’s point of view
I like your suggestions, especially “The Melchizidekian Candidate”. I myself was trying to think of one to go with that classic, so I am glad you supplied it. “Pharaoh! The Musical” also sound intriguing. I could almost want to supply some lyrics for it.
Ahem…that’s Abel, Curt. Abel!