After reporters interpreted the Pope wearing "intentionally green" vestments in Loreto as an ecological statement the Pope challenges reporters to interpret these vestments.
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After reporters interpreted the Pope wearing "intentionally green" vestments in Loreto as an ecological statement the Pope challenges reporters to interpret these vestments.
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Intentionally funkadelic.
The Holy Father wears intentionally ugly vestments in this photo.
“Archbishop Piero Marini dresses Pope Benedict XVI as Joseph from the musical ‘Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.'”
I do hope the Holy Father didn’t pick out those vestments, because they are the ugliest ones I have seen in a long time (I think they beat anything I’ve ever seen on JPII, bless his soul)
These vestments are SOOOOOOO gay!
One more reason to be embarrassed to be a Catholic; gay vestments for a gay church . . .
I think the Holy Father is challenging ANYONE to interpret those vestments. Down with Marini!
Maybe it’s one of those “mood vestments” that changes color as the wearer gets angrier and angrier?
Don’t you just wish that the Holy Father had them make a surplice out of the same material for his Master of Ceremonies to wear?
“These vestments are SOOOOOOO gay!
One more reason to be embarrassed to be a Catholic; gay vestments for a gay church . . .”
WITH THE PAPAL TOURING PARTY, VIENNA: (Monday, September 10, 2007) — The shock announcement that longtime papal master of ceremonies Archbishop Piero Marini has been appointed Archbishop of Antarctica, with residence on the Ross Ice Shelf, with immediate effect, confounded journalists traveling with Pope Benedict XVI today. “We LOVED that darling chausuble Piero picked out for that first Mass,” said Butch Righter of the New York Times. “Now he’s gonna get his butt frozen off? Oh my!”
Perhaps the bluish tone is to show papal support for aquaculture.
I watched this and couldn’t believe my eyes. It was really bad when you could see all the clerics wearing this psychedelic hogwash of colours. “Joseph and the Amazing Dreamcoat” indeed! I also thought that the fellow who designed the hideous monstrance for Benediction earlier had something to do with this as well. They seem to match.
Poor Pope Benedict. It’s a darn good thing that he is such a humble and holy man so that he would not dwell on this as we do.
Mr. Miller! Did you let your troll-B-Gonne run out?
The Canons Regular of ST JOHN CANTIUS ( today renewed the OATH AGAINST MODERNISM of Pope Pius X, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of PASCENDI, the encyclical of Pius X that condemned modernism. PASCENDI was published 9-8-07, 100 yrs ago today. The Canons Regular of St John Cantius also just launched a new section of SANCTAMISSA.ORG for altar servers learning the Traditional LAtin Mass.
Eric G.:
You lack great charity and prudence in your insults against the Holy Father. The Supreme Pontiff cannot be judged by any authority on earth; that is reserved for God alone. In doing so you are falling into the same errors as any protestant and that path leads to perdition.
Martin Luther was once a devout monk but when he visited Rome he was very disappointed. He wailed against the perceived corruptions of the pope and curia then and presumed to judge them. We know the horrible consequences of that. He was wrong then as you are now.
I have great respect for many of the traditionalist Catholics- I try myself to be one but never straying from Rome. Ironically the so called “more Catholic than the pope” traditionalists share the same sin as the most liberal modernists- pride and that leads to destruction.
I beseech you to moderate your tone and show faith and charity to our lawful superiors. The church will survive gloriously as it has always done for two thousand years.
Ube Petrus est, ibi Ecclesia est.
As an aside, I heartily agree those are unpleasant vestments but there is nothing wrong with blue. That is an appropriate colour for a Marian feast.
I know tie-die is making a comeback, but this was ridiculous. Given that it was people in Austria who were in charge of this, & in thinking about the state of the Austrian Church, these vestments make perfect sense.
I think the top being yellow was supposed to be gold, which is an acceptable color for a feast such as this. Blue is allowed in some of the Eastern Rites & as trim in the Latin rite. (I’m not sure if it has been OKed by some Bishops conferences so it may be OK in Austria for a Marian feast.) But this style was horrible. Like I said, it looked like a tie-dye gone wrong.
The miter was solid blue, except the trim. It would have been OK if they hadn’t done that blue to yellow via green blend along the edges of the trim.
I do have to add 1 comment about Pavarotti’s funeral in respnse to Eric. We do not know what happenned in the last days of Pavarotti’s life. He could have been reconciled with the Church & the media didn’t report it. He wouldn’t have been able to get a divorce from his 2nd wife etc.
We can’t know what really happenned & we need to leave his soul to God’s mercy, which is what the Archbishop of Modena apparently decided to do.
I am far more intrigued by the ‘saracen’s head’ depicted on the coat of arms behind him. Let’s see how the reporters would spin that.
Hey! Those are my blog’s colors! It must be an official endorsement! Or, on the other hand, with yellow being the color of the papacy and blue being the color of Mary, maybe I should re-think my blog colors accordingly? Until now it has just been sea blue for Blog by-the-Sea, and I thought the yellow looked good with it. Duh.
Don’t be a moron.
Luther was wrong for his single-handedly reinventing Christianity.
He was NOT wrong for criticizing corrupt clergy.
I have said nothing insulting to the Holy Father, save insofar as the truth can be hurtful. I have every right to critique an incompetent Pope.
Re: Pavarotti: If he was recocnciled to the church, church authorities have a moral obligation to announce that he has. No one has done so, and no one is claiming he did.
Please tell me where there is a requirement for any Church official to announce that I have gone to confession and reconciled to the faith.
Use common sense. When a man is a public, gave sinner, the Church must somehow manifest the fact that this man was reconciled to the Church in order to avoid giving scandal, or otherwise compromise her witness to the integrity of her teaching.
That having been said, it appears Pavarotti WAS RECONCILED before he died. This just in:
Pavarotti’s parish priest, Father Remo Sartori, said the twice-married singer had been reconciled with the Catholic faith of his childhood and had received the last rites before losing his battle against pancreatic cancer last Thursday, aged 71.”
Glory to God!
“Common sense” is not a binding theological requirement.
Please back up further demands with actual theological requirements, especially something as near-universally honored as the Seal of the Confession.
Code of Canon Law 1184, on who is to be denied an ecclesiastical funeral.
Again, a priest can announce that a man has been reconciled to the church without divulging the particulars of his confession and breaking the seal. There’s thousands of years of historical precedence for this. Charles II and Jackie Gleason come to mind . . .
Okay, I’m gonna go out on a limb here and be the only person who has chimed into say I like these vestments. They’re lovely! Charming!
And come on, is it really our job to sit around and police the Holy Father’s clothes? Can’t we, you know, worship at Mass instead?
1� notorious apostates, heretics and schismatics;
3� other manifest sinners to whom a Church funeral could not be granted without public scandal to the faithful.
A google for “pavarotti apostates, heretics schismatics” brings up zero fitting results. Thus, he is not a “notorious” one of any of these.
Other than yourself, there’s a notable lack of “public scandal”– perhaps the local Ordinary should have consulted you? Or would your esteemed “common sense” not be better put to use with trusting those who actually have first hand knowledge to DO THEIR JOB?
Did you ever consider that, perhaps, they felt that the fact that Pavarotti *was* given a Church funeral might tell those who cared to know that he was reconciled? That it is tacky to announce “The dead guy is good enough to be buried!”
For someone so assured the world is out to get you, you sure don’t work to make friends.
I think the Curt Jester’s point was not to poke fun at the vestments but on the journalists who, without bothering to look up basic info about the liturgy, said that the pope wore green to express his support for the environment.
Now as for the gold/yellow and blue vestments…hmmm…the pope supports Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff? 😛
Um…on second thought…upon seeing other photos of the mass…the vestments themselves are….um…________.
It’s not the colors themselves that I don’t like. It’s the patterns.
Try reading what I write before you critique it.
1) Pavarotti was most certainly a notorious sinner; he cheated on his wife of 37 years, got divorced, sired a child out of wedlock, then married his mistress. He was a publi figure engaged in an adulterous “marriage”.
2) That Pavarotti was given a church funeral caused quite a stir in Italy.
3) Since I voiced my concerns, it has now come out that Pavarotti WAS in fact reconciled to the Church shortly before he died.
4) Hence, the canon law of the church was not violated after all.
5) No, I do not believe that good Catholics ought to blindly adhere to the judgment of an episcopacy which has shown itself unable to uphold the integrity of Catholic doctrine. Which is not to say that we set ourselves up as quasi-popes; it’s simply to say that we keep a critical eye on our pastors, and respectfully demand accountability when they appear to dissent from the teaching and/or practice of the church.
It was this kind of complacency that allowed that “sex abuse crisis” to reach the point it did. The entire pay, pray, and obey mentality.
And no, I am not a Modernist, and I have no affiliation whatsoever with schismatic or irregular church movements.
Try reading the reply before you insult it.
1) Very few folks who are NOT trying to find fault with the current Church care that he lived with a woman while separated from his first wife some decades ago.
2) Folks like you?
3) See? What a shock, you accused folks without basis.
4) See #3
5) It wasn’t your pastors who were involved.
So, rather than having a bit of charity, you assumed out of hand that a violation which caused scandal *had* happened, and in all likelyhood caused the impression of a scandal due to your response.
Bravo, I’m sure.
Those vestments give me flashbacks to the Womyn Priest ordinations! If you look to the far left (how fitting), it appears that someone else is wearing matching vestments. It reminds me of the misguided sacristans at a Church I used to attend who draped the crucifix in pale peach chiffon because it looked “so pretty.” Unfortunately, the priest had better things to do than teach these amateur interior decorators about proper liturgical colors so these colors stayed up for most of the liturgical year.
I’ll take a stab at it. The Holy Father is making a “Woodstock statement”.
Maybe he’s intentionally testing the charity of bloggers everywhere! What my aunt the interior decorator used to say when she thought a design distasteful was “Oh! Isn’t that an….interesting…look.”
She still says that, but as she ages she finds fewer colors and designs distasteful. Her reaction to the color purple, though, may follow her to heaven. When she gets there she may ask the Lord to destroy purple.
“…pale peach chiffon…”
Three words I really never expected to read in relation to anything to do with Mass, unless it was a fashion review of the ladies involved.