Amy Welborn has been providing excellent coverage of the bishop’s conference and today includes this:
Archbishop Burke is speaking about Courage and EnCourage . It seems as if his amendment is calling for explicit recognition of the ministry. Saying that there is no support group that is more faithful or has more history.
Bishop Serratelli: says the committee agrees with Bishop Burke. It’s not a question of the group. The committee felt with a generic statement and not to recommend or mention any particular group.
Bishop Paproki gets up and speaks in support of Archbishop Burke and poitns out since this is a document for bishops, it would be helpful to have specific suggestions.
Bishop Niederauer speaks against Archbishop Burke’s amendment. I want to support the committee’s judgment for a generic mention. No reason given.
Why am I not surprised ?
…Cardinal George: in favor of the amendment, strongly, saying that Courage has been unjustly attacked and falsely misrepresented. The effectiveness of the group has struck him: "they are not only striving to be chaste, but they are striving to be saints. They are holy people."
Thank you Cardinal George for speaking the truth. The amendment though was defeated 121 to 105, but they did approve mention of Courage and Encourage as a footnote. Maybe they should start a new group called Discourage since they seem to want to discourage those with same-sex attraction from living a chaste life.
American Papist has also been providing good coverage of the conference.
1 comment
Courage: good / Dignity: bad
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