A Web site with information mandated in a state law requiring women to wait 24 hours before having an abortion went online Monday, a day before the law went into effect.
Located at http://www.health.state.mn.us/wrtk, the site contains information about the characteristics of fetuses at different gestational ages, a link to the text of the Women’s Right to Know Act, a directory of both abortion and adoption providers and an abortion Q & A.
The state had until Sept. 29 to make the site available, but Health Commissioner Dianne Mandernach said her department got the work done.
The state’s web site specifies the information that women are required to know prior to an abortion and the term “unborn child” is used throughout except in a couple of cases like fetal pain. Addresses and phone numbers of adoption agencies and agencies that will assist the mother through pregnancy are to be provided. Women are also required to see pictures of development from two weeks on. So while some women will still go on to have an abortion, others might not since they will see other options and support available. They are also to be informed about abortion risks both medically and psychological including the risk of breast cancer and future sterility.