Marcel LeJeune pulls the following points from a speech by Cardinal Dolan.
The Seven “IS”
- Innate dignity of Human Person
- Human life is sacred
- The principle of solidarity
- Creator has instilled within us and within his creation an inherent order
- Subsidarity: the common good is best served by agencies, organizations & institution closest to the human person
- The preferential option for the poor/care for those left behind/ Jesus, who always seemed to have a radar for those on the side of the road
- Inalienable rights are given not by society, not by culture, not by government, but by the Creator himself.
The Seven “OUGHTS”
- We ought to be in politics
- We ought to bring values and convictions to politics
- Catholics ought to propose never impose
- We ought to stand for principles always above politics
- We ought to stress responsibility as much as rights
- We ought to defend the rights of others
- Catholics ought to stress “us” not “me”
You can watched the video of his speech linked to at Aggie Catholics. I found it quite worthwhile to watch and the Cardinal is such an engaging speaker.
It’s a good list. The points listed are in keeping with the ideals of nearly all devout people.
Jeff, I’ve seen the entire film and the only “ONE” who would have been able to put a diaper, “I” mean damper on what Cardinal Dolan and others have said would have been salvage.
I hear ya Faithfull Christians! Yes Victor and as usual, salvage’ reality diaper concerns of his and/or her spiritual believes would have certainly been full of “IT” if ya know what we mean? 🙂
For what “IT” is worth salvage, “I” will miss your unwavering imaginary believes of what you seem to truly believe in and if Christ followers have an equal and opposite reaction as you have of GOD (Good Old Dad), “I” can’t see how Christianity can fail in the long run.