I finally got around to reviewing Tim Harrison (who gave us the great myCatholic.com) his new endeavor CatholicBlogs.com. You can search articles from roughly 700 Catholic blogs and even create an RSS feed for your search. He has even optimized a mobile edition for your cell phone or PDA. I know for myself this will be really useful since often times I want to look up something I know I read before on a Catholic blog for reference. He has also created a Firefox search plugin so that you can incorporate this right in with your other Firefox search selections.
He is also in the process of putting together a directory of Catholic blogs.
Another site that I have been remiss in mentioning is Clark Miller’s WikiCath.org. Now I know I made a parody of a WikiCatechism here, but this new site is a serious endeavor.
WikiCath is an opportunity for people of the third millennium to attempt to gather in one place all knowledge pertaining to the Catholic Church, Her Sacred Tradition, and Her History. A Wiki by nature is democratic; however, it should be clear that truth is not – this Wiki seeks to show the objective Catholic position on issues of faith and morality where one exists and to show the controversy in the Church where one has not been defined.
I guess I should been more on the ball with promoting the St. Blog’s Parish Aggregator. We’ve had most of these feature for some time now. 🙁
I signed up. It is great to type in a current event, and find opinions you can relate to.
Of course, this is quite time sensitive since the google ads will probably change somewhat shortly, but the link from the wikicath.org site:
gives me the chance to ‘Learn Voodoo Powers’, get a ‘Free Ministerial License’, and ‘Transform Your Life’ through transforming your body (fast results, they say.)
Oh, and for those of us who are interested in Catholic type things, there’s an Ad at the end that links to a site discussing evidences for Adam’s existence (many of the bible references are from the KJV Bible.)