From an article about the outcry against former state Sen. Alma Wheeler-Smith’s, a Catholic and abortion supporter, speech at St. Mary’s Church at the University of Michigan.
It was really off-the-wall and really an unfortunate situation,” said Wheeler-Smith, who was quick to point out that she and her family made significant financial contributions to the construction to the parish’s Newman Center, where the talk was to be held.
Hey I gave you money so shouldn’t I get a pass on something like the endorsement of murder?
“I had questions about the church’s position on choice and it only solidified as I grew older,” said Smith, who attended Catholic schools as a youngster. “God knows it’s hard to hold this position sometimes. I’m just a lightning rod, I guess.”
[Full Story]
I am just a little ol’ victim here. No fault of my own, just for no reason people attack me.
This has seemed like a banner year in that these events of having pro-abortion politicians speak on Church grounds have been getting attention and that more and more they are being cancelled as a result. Local events that never would have garnered national attention before can get a wide audience through internet sites and email.
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I guess to be consistant, organizations should also refuse the abortion supporter’s “financial contribution”.