Now if I was going to write parody names for workshops I might create ones such as:
- Getting Beyond Dominating Hierarchy: Recovering an Authentic Vision of Teaching Authority in the Church …
- Getting Beyond the Church as an ‘Unequal Society’: Uncovering Vatican II’s Vision of the Church …
- Getting Beyond ‘Pay, Pray and Obey’: Reflections on the Vocation of the Laity.
Unfortunately those are real workshops that will be held in the Diocese of Rochester – the diocese that even makes Cardinal Mahony and his diocese look orthodox by comparison.
These workshops will be held by Dr. Richard R. Gaillardetz. The Bishop’s marriage site recommended one of his books last month. Though the book review has now been pulled. Since the USCCB also recently yanked the Golden Compass review I think it can be explained by "Nobody expects the Vanish Inquisition."
Rich Leonardi who posted on this originally also has a copy of the invitation for this workshop at his blog.
That’s a huge statement to say that it makes LA look orthodox. That bad? (It’s just saddens me that we’re still stuck with WREC)
R.G. spoke to my province’s annual assembly a few years back. Since the audience was more or less receptive, he had his guard down. He is SLICK! I did my PhD work in literary critical theory, and I have watched some of the best critics in the world take apart literary classics like a sushi chef boning a fish. R.G. can have Lumen genitum and Gaudium et spes saying just about anything he wants them to say in three seconds flat.
How sad – I grew up in Rochester, but thank God they at least have Catholic radio now. If I were to ever move back, I would probably burst a blood vessel from the inanity.
Why would your provincial assembly invite Gaillardetz? I often wonder why orthodox orders invite dissidents to speak.
Rochester is a mess. To make matters worse, our Bishop has decided that the diocese needs a “spiritual renewal.” This sounds like a good idea, until you realize they also want to “recapture the fervor of the 60s and 70s.” Um, I don’t know about you, but I would describe what went on in the 60s and 70s to be “fervor” maybe, fever, or poisonous. One can only hope that we get a new bishop before 2012 (when Bishop Clark is scheduled to retires) or there may not be much of a Diocese left.
LarryD…wow! what Catholic radio station are you talking about, there is one? What’s its freq and call signs? Do they have a website?
Ironic that the diocese once headed by one of the top 3 Catholic voices of the past century has rotted so thoroughly.
I live the diocese of Rochester. Not all is bad, There is perpetual Eucharistic adoration in Geneva At St. Stevens. I think in Fairport at St Johns.
Also Fridays noon to 6 on fridays at St Dominics in Shortsville.Ther is other places too. My Paster is willing to the TLM. I get emails from someone from Joanne Church, Administrative Assistant. So I get a direct link for this crap. CPt Tom i emailed you the info on the Catholic radio station.
Word verification: Delta epsilon lamda beta alpha
Jeff, this the third time in about a month that your parodies have been outdone by real life. First the Church of the Blessed Sacrament, Second Planned Parenthood, and now workshops in Rochester.
You will have to work extra hard this advent to exaggerate things to unrealistic extremes. Maybe you try should making fun of those of us who are too conservative and see if you have better luck on that end. Episcopacy was one of your best pieces of work on that end of the spectrum.
CPT Tom – well, I haven’t lived there in over 20 years, so I don’t know the freq or call letters. I’m sure they get the Buffalo station as well – and it may be an EWTN affiliate. If you go to EWTN’s site, there may be a list of affiliates.
BTW – Rochester was Archbishop Fulton Sheen’s see around the time of Vatican II. I think he’s spun so many times in his grave now, he’s created his own gravitational force.
The Diocese of Brooklyn has invited the Rochester “experts” to come down and prepare our parish “Leaders” for the future. Makes you wonder.
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