Link How a bill becomes law by Jeffrey Miller August 10, 2003 written by Jeffrey Miller August 10, 2003 The Lemon gives us How a bill becomes law. Funny stuff. 0 comment 0 FacebookTwitterGoogle +Pinterest Jeffrey Miller previous post Fructus Ventris Move next post Finally a trusthworthy California Politician You may also like Religious and Secular Priests January 11, 2009 St. Blog Awards January 31, 2004 Mistranslation July 11, 2005 Software recommendations May 28, 2003 They must be smoking something other than a... April 15, 2004 The Our Father, Word by Word June 19, 2011 Some fine stories September 23, 2007 On The Couch With Happy Catholic February 22, 2006 Is Dialogue with Islam Possible? September 18, 2006 Monk Move March 17, 2005